Friday, October 13, 2017

was / were

A. Complete with was or were.
1. She ____________                       11. Diego _______________
2. Carlos __________                      12.Her hair ______________
3. He and she _______                     13. Mice _________________
4. You and I ________                     14. Horses _______________
5. they ____________                      15. Luis _________________
6. Costa Rica ______                       16. We ___________________
7. A picture ________                      17. Wilson _______________
8. My bike _________                     18. April _________________
9. Many people _____                      19. Jose and We _________
10. Everybody _______                   20. My teacher __________

B. Complete with was – wasn't – were – weren’t.
Andrés ___________ (+) in the bank. My mother
________ (-) working yesterday. Tomas and I
_______ (-) friends. We ___________ (+) in the same
classroom. My country ___________ (-) very
expensive. Merlin and Laura ___________ (+) a
happy couple. Brazil ___________ (+) champion in
2002. I ___________ (-) worried. All my students
___________ (+) at the party with their parents. My
boss _______ (+) very serious. I _______ (-)
confused. My dad ___________ (+) wrong. My car
___________ (-) red. Wives ___________ (+) smart.

C. Unscramble and answer these questions. Add was / were.
1. you / in the last party / who?                                       5. I / why / alone?
a. __________________________________                  a. _________________________________
b. _________________________________                    b. _________________________________
2. you / where / last period?                                             6. / Who / the principal
a. __________________________________                  a. _________________________________
b. __________________________________                  b. _________________________________
3. where / your sister / last winter / ?                               7. / more expensive / which book/ ?
a. __________________________________                  a. _________________________________
b. __________________________________                  b. _________________________________
4. Vanessa / how long/ in costa Rica?                              8. How much / your laptop ?
a. __________________________________                  a. _________________________________
b. __________________________________                  b. _________________________________

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

VOCABULARY - Basic vocabulary builder 1

This exercise will help you practice simple English words.

Fill in each blank space with the correct word from the list. Remember : choose the best response:


1.We live in a big ________________. It has fourrooms.

2.P1: Do you have a dog? P2: No, we have a________________.

3.Don’t put your plate on the floor, put it on the ________________.

4.I forgot to bring my ________________ to class. Can I borrow some paper?

5.You have to walk across the ________________ to get to the post office.

6.That’s ________________! I’m very happy for you!

7.P1: Is it sunny outside? P2: No, it’s ________________.

8.I gave my mother ________________ for her birthday.

9.Your radio doesn’t work because you don’t have an ________________.

10.The ________________ is very bright today.

VOCABULARY - Weekend plans - Part 2

REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable

Choose the best one:

1. Let’s stay in tonight. We can __________ a couple of DVDs.
a) rent                               b) take in                                     c) lease

2. There’s a bit of an emergency at work this weekend. I’m going to have to __________ on Sunday.
a) go in                             b) appear                                     c) show

3. I had so much fun! The birthday party was __________! ( = great)
a) a bomb                          b) best                                         c) a blast

4. This Saturday is my grandmother’s __________ birthday.
a) 70 (seventy)                  b) 70s (seventies)                        c) 70th (seventieth)

5. My friends and I went out __________ on Friday night. We got home at around 5:00 AM.
a) to clubbing                    b) clubbing                                  c) club

6. I like to __________ on weekends. I usually don’t do anything crazy.
a) take it simple                 b) take it easy                              c) relaxation

7. A couple of our friends __________ from Paris, so we hung out with them all weekend.
a) were visitors                  b) were visiting                           c) visiting

8. I borrowed my parents’ car and my girlfriend and I went for a ___________ in the mountains.
a) voyage                           b) drive                                        c) ski

9. I spent the whole weekend at the beach - Swimming, surfing, ___________.
a) sunbathing/tanning        b) suntan                                     c) getting suntanning

10. Weekends just seem to _____________, ( = pass too quickly) don’t they?
a) fly                                   b) fly away                                  c) fly by

VOCABULARY - Weekend plans - Part 1

REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable

Choose the best one:

1.What are you doing __________?
a)this weekend                        b) on this weekend                     c) in this weekend

2.We always go __________ for the weekend.
a)outside of town                     b) out of town                            c) leave

3.My __________ ( = my wife’s parents) are having a party.
a)brother-in-law                       b) mother-in-law                        c) in-laws

4.I __________ ( = spent time) with my friends.
a)hanged                                   b) hung out                                c) hung low

5.I can’t make it this weekend. I’ve got plans I __________. ( = can’t cancel)
a)can’t get                                 b) can’t go                                 c) can’t get out of

6.We took a long __________. ( = trip by car)
a)road trip                                 b) road journey                          c) road excursion

7.We drove __________ to New Mexico and back.
a)whole distance                       b) all the way to                        c) entire way to

8.Disneyland is a huge __________.
a)amusement                             b) park                                       c) amusement park

9.I really want to see that new movie __________ Ryan Gosling.
a)stars                                       b) with                                        c) at the theater

10.We spent __________ money on popcorn and drinks as we did on the movie tickets.
a)as much                                 b) so much                                  c) quite a bit of

VOCABULARY - University life 2

REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable

Choose the best one:

1. A former student of a school/university = An ___________
a) alderman                         b) alumni                                c) alumnus

2. A ___________ is an exam given during the middle of a semester.
a) middle-term                    b) mid-term                            c) half-term

3. John finally got his ___________ in Economics. ( = he finished his 4 year program)
a) decoration                        b) degree                                c) decree

4. My assignment is ___________ on Thursday. ( = it has to be finished by Thursday)
a) due                                    b) deliverable                        c) down

5. What are you _____________ in? = What's your main subject of study?
a) majoring                           b) engaging                            c) mainlining

6. You'd have to do something pretty bad to get ___________ ( = kicked out) from college.
a) expelled                            b) excelled                              c) demoted

7. Q: Did he ___________ his exam? A: No, he failed.
a) miss                                  b) answer                                 c) pass

8. The opposite of a "required course" is an ___________.
a) election                             b) elective                               c) choice

9. T.A., which stands for "teaching ____________", is someone who helps a professor run a
a) asset                                  b) assistant                             c) analyst

10. What do you plan to do after you ___________? (= successfully finish college)
a) drop out                             b) take a leave of absence      c) graduate

VOCABULARY - University life 1

REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable

Choose the best one:

1. Have you paid your ___________ ( = payment for studying at a university) for this semester? No, I haven’t gotten around to that yet.
a) tuition                                    b) tutoring                                   c) cost

2. How’s your ___________ = Do you have a lot of classes?
a) course package                      b) course load                              c) course pack

3. I took that class last year. It was a ___________. ( = very easy)
a) gust                                        b) wind                                         c) breeze

4. I lived in the student residence last year. This year, I moved in to a place ___________.
a) of mine                                   b) of my own                                c) of my proper

5. What does GPA stand for?
a) grade point addition               b) grade percentage average         c) grade point average

6. Which college are you planning to ___________?
a) attend                                      b) ascent                                        c) atone

7. I applied to go to Yale, but I didn’t ___________. ( = I wasn’t accepted)
a) get it                                        b) get on                                        c) get in

8. This is a very ___________ school. ( = It has a very good reputation)
a) prevailing                                b) prestigious                                 c) egregious

9. In the context of university life, what is a “student body”?
a) a student’s torso                      b) all the students at a university   c) professor

10. Most new college students go to ___________, which is an information session designed to introduce them to their new university.
a) orientation                               b) show-and-tell                             c) segmentation

VOCABULARY - Things your do in the morning - Part 2

REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable

Choose the best one:

1.I’m not __________ to ( = I’m not very excited about) driving to work today. It’sraining and I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of traffic.
a)looking forward                       b) looking back                        c) looking

2.I always hit the __________ button on my alarm clock several times before Iactually wake up.
a)sleep more                                b) dream                                  c) snooze

3.P1: Where’s my gray coat? P2: Don’t you remember? It’s at the __________.
a)cleaning                                    b) clean                                    c) cleaners

4.A person who functions best in the morning (as opposed to at night) is commonly referred to as a __________.
a)morning man                            b) morning person                    c) morning people

5.I need to __________ the bathroom.
a)use                                             b) utilize                                   c) use up

6.I never take baths, I take __________.
a)shower                                       b) showers                                c) to shower

7.I have to __________ ( = I have to go). I’ll call you later.
a)run away                                   b) race                                        c) run

8.P1: Do you want me to make you some eggs? P2: No, let’s __________ for breakfast.
a)eat                                              b) go get                                    c) go out

9.P1: Why are you so __________ ( = in a bad mood) this morning? P2: I’m __________because I didn’t sleep well.
a)grumpy                                       b) greedy                                  c) giddy

10.I like to read __________ while I drink my coffee in the morning.
a)paper                                           b) the paper                              c) newspaper

VOCABULARY - Fixing your car 1

REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable

Choose the best one:

1.You have to get your car ___________ every 3,000 miles. ( = inspected by amechanic/repaired)
a)served                            b) serviced                              c) set

2.I ___________ two months ago.
a)oil change                      b) changed the oil                   c) changed oil

3.The car is making ___________ when I drive. I noticed it last week.
a)a perplexing ruckus       b) odd sound                           c) a strange noise

4.Person1: When are you going to get your car fixed? P2: I’m ___________ this weekend. I won’tbe able to do it during the week.
a)taking it in                     b) taking it on                          c) taking it into

5.My old mechanic was a ___________! ( = dishonest person)
a)crooked                          b) crack                                    c) crook

6.He ___________ me ( = asked me to pay) less than I thought he would.
a)exceeded                        b) charged                                c) charred

7.I know a very good, honest mechanic. He’ll never ___________. ( = cheat you)
a)rip you off                      b) rip you                                 c) replace you

8.I need to get my muffler ___________. It’s making a lot of noise.
a)replenished                     b) replaced                               c) reviewed

9.The shop gave me an estimate: $500.00. Wow, that seems a little ___________.( = high)
a)steep                               b) stop                                       c) stoop

10.The ___________ ended up costing way more than I expected.
a)fixings                            b) repairs                                   c) costs

VOCABULARY - Using email 1

REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable.

Choose the best one:

1.I don't use that email address anymore. I ___________ ( = cancelled it) because I was getting too much spam.
a)rid it                 b) got rid of it                c) threw it

2.Could you ___________ me the message that Carla sent you?
a)delete                b) forward                     c) cancel

3.I need to change my password. Someone ___________ my account. ( = foundout my username/password and logged into my account)
a)packed into        b) sacked into              c) hacked into

4.I didn't get the photos. Maybe you didn’t ___________ them properly?
a)put                     b) attach                        c) cling

5.I can't ___________ this to work! ( = I can’t make this work)
a)get                      b) make                        c) give

6.Your message didn't ___________ ( = could not be sent/received) because theattachment was too big.
a)get up                 b) go in                         c) go through

7.Don’t send it to my ___________ email. Send it to my personal email address.
a)work                   b) employment             c) working

8."To ___________ reply" = to click on the reply button to answer an email
a)hit                       b) push                          c) punch

9.I'll help you ___________ ( = create) an email account.
a)set off                 b) set up                        c) get in

10.Is it correct to say "I'll email it to you"?
a)yes                       b) no                             c) yes, but only if you’re talking about personal mail


Getting to know you with question tags

Choose a person from your class that you don’t know very well. Complete the
sentences with information that you think is true, 

e.g. ‘Your name is Juan, isn’t it?’

1. Your name is __________, isn’t it?
2. You are from __________, aren’t you?
3. You have been in this class for __________, haven’t you?
4. You’ve got __________ brothers and sisters, haven’t you?
5. You think English is __________, don’t you?
6. You are interested in __________, aren’t you?
7. Outside the class, you __________, don’t you?
8. In the future, you plan to __________, don’t you?
9. You spent your last holidays in __________, didn’t you?
10. This evening, you are going to __________, aren’t you?

Read about Lesley

Lesley’s day

Lesley is an ESOL teacher at Hackney College in London. On
weekdays she always gets up at about 7 o’clock. She has a shower
and then she has breakfast with her husband and daughter. After
breakfast she brushes her teeth and gets dressed and then she
takes her daughter to school. She goes to college by bicycle at
8.30 and she starts work at 9 o’clock.
At about 1.30 she usually has lunch. She has a sandwich and
some fruit in her office. She finishes work at 5 o’clock and picks
up her daughter from her after-school club. She usually has
dinner at about 7 o’clock and then she has a cup of coffee. In the
evening she watches television or sometimes she listens to the radio. She likes listening
to music. She usually goes to bed at about 11.30. Then she reads her book for about half an

hour. She goes to sleep at midnight.


What is this text about? Tick (✓) one box.
What Lesley does every day.
What Lesley likes doing in her free time.


Circle TRUE or FALSE.
1 Lesley gets up at seven o’clock.   TRUE    FALSE
2 She has a shower in the morning.  TRUE  FALSE
3 She goes to college by bus.   TRUE   FALSE
4 She picks up her daughter after work.   TRUE   FALSE
5 She likes listening to music on the radio.    TRUE   FALSE
6 She goes to bed at eleven o’clock.  TRUE   FALSE


Answer the questions.
7 Who does she have breakfast with? ...................................................…………………………………………..
8 How does she go to college? ...................................................…………………………………………..
9 Where does she have lunch? ...................................................…………………………………………..
10 What does she have for lunch? ...................................................…………………………………………..


Daily Routines Vocabulary

Directions: Match the columns. Write the letters on the lines.
1. _____ get                             a. asleep
2. _____ take a                         b. bills
3. _____ eat                              c. breakfast
4. _____ set the                        d. cat
5. _____ wash the                     e. clothes
6. _____ go to                           f. coffee
7. _____ take out the                g. dishes
8. _____ sweep the                   h. door
9. _____ wake                           i. dressed
10. _____ feed the                     j. floor
11. _____ drink                         k. mail
12. _____ iron your                   l. shopping list
13. _____ watch                        m. shower
14. _____ set the                        n. table
15. _____ close the                    o. table
16. _____ brush your                 p. teeth
17. _____ pay the                      q. trash
18. _____ open the                     r. TV
19. _____ write a                       s. up
20. _____ fall                             t. work

Present Simple Tense - book 1 & 2

Make questions with the word groups, using (do) or (does).
1. (Where/she/live) _________________________________________________________?
2. (When/you/play/soccer) ____________________________________________________?
3. (What/he/eat/for/lunch) ____________________________________________________?
4. (When/they/come/home/from/school)_________________________________________?
5. (she/want/to/work/in/the/office) _____________________________________________?
6. (your/mother/take/you/to/school)_____________________________________________?
7. (What/time/you/get/up)____________________________________________________?
8. (Where/your/father/work) __________________________________________________?
9. (Julia/live/in/Colorado) ____________________________________________________?
10. (How/Juan/and/David/go/to/school)___________________________________________?

Write the correct form of the verb in each sentence.
1. John ______________ (play/plays) soccer.
2. They ______________ (don’t/doesn’t) study after school.
3. We _______________ (take/takes) the metro to the office every day.
4. What ___________ (do/does) you want to study?
5. On Tuesdays, I _________ (go/goes) to the mall.
6. Terry ___________ (play/plays) soccer; he _________________ (practice/practices)
every day.
7. ____________ (Do/Does) Lucy ride her bike to school, or ___________ (do/does) she
take the bus?
8. On Sunday, he ____________ (don’t/doesn’t) read the newspaper.
9. Where _____________ (do/does) they work?
10. How ____________ (do/does) you spell your name?

1) Complete the sentences with the SIMPLE PAST of the verbs in parentheses:
a) They ____________________ (watch) TV last night.
b) Priscila ____________________ (talk) to her friends all day.
c) I ___________________ (have) a terrible headache yesterday.
d) Bob _____________________ (come) home from school late.
e) They ____________________ (arrive) late and ___________________ (miss) the bus.
f) She ____________________ (study) hard and ___________________(pass) the exam.
g) He ____________________ (call) the office to tell them he was sick.
h) I ___________________ (speak) to the director as he was leaving the room.
i) Dr. Johnson ______________________ (get up) early this morning.
j) Mary _____________________ (do) her homework and ________________ (go) to
k) Chris ____________________ (find) a ten-dollar bill.
l) The dog ______________________ (follow) us down the road.
m) Those students _____________________ (work) hard last semester.
n) LĂºcio ___________________ (stop) at the corner and __________________ (call) us.
o) I ___________________ (try) to talk to Helen last night.
p) I ___________________ (pay) the phone bill yesterday.
q) My dad ____________________ (catch) a cold when he ________________ (be) in
r) She _____________________ (leave) home early yesterday.
s) They ____________________ (know) each other very well when they
________________ (be) kids.
t) The teacher _____________________ (bring) the exams corrected.
u) She was cleaning the vase when she ____________________ (drop) it.
v) We ___________________ (jog) in the park yesterday.
w) The fire ____________________ (occur) while we ___________________ (be) out.
x) I __________________ (meet) some nice people at the party last weekend.
y) Carol _____________________ (sleep) until late on the weekend. Then, she
_______________ (go) out to lunch.
z) We ______________________ (fly) to the USA on a great airplane.

2) Write questions or negatives sentences:
a) She visited her parents last weekend.
Question: __________________________________________________________?
b) He cleaned his room before school.
Question: ___________________________________________________________?
c) The teacher found the missing exams.
Negative: ____________________________________________________________?
d) Tom wanted to go to the movies alone.
Question: ___________________________________________________________?
e) Helena offered Henrique a piece of cake.
Negative: ___________________________________________________________?
f) I knew what to do.
Negative: ____________________________________________________________?
g) Alexandre helped Anita with her homework.
Question: ___________________________________________________________?
h) You ate cookies after dinner.
Negative: ____________________________________________________________?
i) You talked to her earlier.
Question: ___________________________________________________________?
j) We turned off the TV after the news.
Negative: ____________________________________________________________?
k) He drank only a coke at the party.
Question: ___________________________________________________________?
l) Mom made breakfast early.
Negative: __________________________________________________________?

Present Continuous.
Complete the sentences.
1. His dad and brother ________(cycle) to the shops.
2. We __________ (not travel) in Japan.
3. I __________ (sunbathe) on the beach.
4. She __________ (not watch) TV.
5. They __________ (not swim) in the sea.
6. Sue __________ (stay) at home today.

Write the questions and the short answers.
1. your dad / work / today /?
Yes, _________________________
2. you / have a good time / on holiday / ?
Yes, _________________________
3. your mum / cook dinner / now / ?
Yes, _________________________
4. your friends / play football / ?
Yes, _________________________

Complete the dialogues.
1. a. I´m going on holiday.
b. Where ______________ ?
2. a. He´s cooking dinner.
b. What ______________ ?
3. a. My sister is going to England.
b. Who ______________ ?
4. a. We aren´t staying in a hotel.
b. Where ______________ ?

Present continuous.
1. I ___________ (watch) a reality show on TV.
2. My favourite team ___________ (win)!
3. Someone ___________ (swim) in the sea.
4. Two people ___________ (cook) dinner on the beach.
5. We ___________ (not watch) a soap opera.
6. I ___________ (not do) my homework.
7. Mum ___________ (read) a magazine.
8. My brother ___________ (not listen) to the radio.
9. Dad ___________ (not cook) dinner.
10. Tara ___________ (talk) by phone.
11. Joe ___________ (play) on the computer.
12. Who ___________(watch) TV?
13. Tina ___________ (do) grammar exercises.
14. I ___________ (eat) a pizza.
15. We ___________ (sit) in the classroom.
16. I ___________ (not write) an email.
17. Amy ___________ (not go) to school today.
18. We ___________ (not have) fun today.
19. My team ___________ (not win) the match.
20. My parents ___________ (drive) to work now.
21. ___________ they ___________ (read) magazines? Yes, they are.
22. ___________ you ___________ (learn) English? Yes I am.
23. ___________ Helen ___________ (write) a letter? No, she isn´t.
24. ___________ Sarah ___________ (play) the guitar? Yes, she is.
25. We ___________ (not play) basketball.

Present continuous.
1. Trina ___________ (walk) past the supermarket.
2. Where are you? We ___________ (wait) for you!
3. I´m on a bus and it ___________ (not move).
4. When ___________ you ___________ (come) to see me?
5. I ___________ (sit) on a bus.
6. Pete´s mother ___________ (not have) a burger.
7. John´s friends ___________ (play) football at the Sports Centre.
8. My best friend ___________ (sit) next to me.
9. I ___________ (not wear) something blue.
10. My teacher ___________ (not stand) behind me.
11. I ___________ (not write) with a pencil.
12. Irama ___________ (have) a shower.
13. Montse ___________ (leave) the room.
14. Marcelo ___________ (make) a phone call.
15. Rosa ___________ (open) the door.
16. Olga ___________ (brush) her teeth.
17. Eva ___________ (sing).
18. Mati ___________ (listen) to the radio.
19. Jose ___________ (walk) to school.
20. Javi ___________ (write) a letter.
21. What ___________ the boys ___________ (do) now?
22. Angela ___________ (eat) spaghetti.
23. What ___________ your teacher ___________ (say)?
24. Juanma ___________ (play) with the dog.
25. Where ___________ Eva and Mar ___________ (sit)?

Present continuous.
1. I ____________ (learn) how to swim.
2. I ____________ (eat) my lunch.
3. I ____________ (watch) television.
4. She ____________ (read) a book.
5. Dad ____________ (bake) a cake.
6. My sister ____________ (listen) to music.
7. Peter ____________ (clean) his car.
8. The dog ____________ (bark) in the garden.
9. We ____________ (sing) our favourite song.
10. My brother and I ____________ (play) a computer game.
11. The teachers ____________ (show) us a film.
12. They ____________ (bring) a TV in the classroom.
13. She´s bored. Her friend ____________ (watch) TV again.
14. Martin´s excited. Chelsea ____________ (win) the match.
15. I´m scared. A big dog ____________ (stand) in front of me.
16. She´s happy. She ____________ (not work) today.
17. I´m worried. It ____________ (rain) and I haven´t got an umbrella. 18. The teacher is annoyed. We ____________ (not listen).
19. What ____________ you ____________ (wait) for? I´m ____________ (wait) for John.
20. ____________ it ____________ (snow)? No, it ____________ (rain).
21. What ____________ you ____________ (do) today? We ____________ (go) to the park.
22. ____________ you ____________ (listen) to me? No, I ____________ (listen) to the radio.
23. ____________ you ____________ (watch) TV? No, we ____________ (study).
24. What ____________ you ____________ (do)? I ____________ (do) my homework.
25. ____________ they ____________ (sleep)? Yes, they are.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Conditional exercise (first / second / third conditionals)

1. (First conditional) If we __________________ (not / work) harder, we __________________ (not pass) the exam.

2. (Third conditional) If the students __________________ (not be) late for the exam, they __________________ (pass).

3. (Third conditional) If the weather __________________ (not be) so cold, we __________________ (go) to the beach.

4. (Second conditional) If she __________________ (have) her laptop with her, she __________________ (email) me.

5. (First conditional) If she __________________ (not go) to the meeting, I __________________ (not go) either.

6. (Third conditional) If the baby __________________ (sleep) better last night, I __________________ (not be) so tired.

7. (First conditional) If the teacher __________________ (give) us lots of homework this weekend, I __________________ (not be) happy.

8. (Second conditional) If Lucy __________________ (have) enough time, she __________________ (travel) more.

9. (First conditional) If the children __________________ (not eat) soon, they __________________ (be) grumpy.

10. (First conditional) If I __________________ (not go) to bed soon, I __________________ (be) tired in the morning.
May be freely copied for personal or classroom use.

11. (Second conditional) If I __________________ (want) a new car, I __________________ (buy) one.

12. (Second conditional) If José __________________ (not speak) good French, he __________________ (not move) to Paris.

13. (First conditional) If John __________________ (drink) too much coffee, he __________________ (get) ill.

14. (Third conditional) If we __________________ (tidy) our flat, we __________________ (not lose) our keys.

15. (Third conditional) If Luke __________________ (not sent) flowers to his mother, she __________________ (not be) happy.

16. (Second conditional) If the children __________________ (be) in bed, I __________________ (be able to) have a bath.

17. (Second conditional) If you __________________ (not be) so stubborn, we __________________ (not have) so many arguments!

18. (Third conditional) If Julie __________________ (not go) to Sweden, she __________________ (go) to Germany.

19. (First conditional) If she __________________ (go) to the library, she __________________ (study) more.

20. (Third conditional) If we __________________ (not have) an argument, we __________________ (not be) late.

Conditional exercise (first / second / third conditionals) - answer

1. (First conditional) If we don’t work harder, we won’t pass the exam.
2. (Third conditional) If the students hadn’t been late for the exam, they would have passed.
3. (Third conditional) If the weather hadn’t been so cold, we would have gone to the beach.
4. (Second conditional) If she had her laptop with her, she would email me.
5. (First conditional) If she doesn’t go to the meeting, I won’t go either.
6. (Third conditional) If the baby had slept better last night, I wouldn’t have been so tired.
7. (First conditional) If the teacher gives us lots of homework this weekend, I won’t be happy.
8. (Second conditional) If Lucy had enough time, she would travel more.
9. (First conditional) If the children don’t eat soon, they’ll be grumpy.
10. (First conditional) If I don’t go to bed soon, I’ll be tired in the morning.
11. (Second conditional) If I wanted a new car, I would buy one.
12. (Second conditional) If JosĂ© didn’t speak good French, he wouldn’t move to Paris.
13. (First conditional) If John drinks too much coffee, he’ll get ill.
14. (Third conditional) If we had tidied our flat, we wouldn’t have lost our keys.
15. (Third conditional) If Luke hadn’t sent flowers to his mother, she wouldn’t have been happy.
16. (Second conditional) If the children were in bed, I would be able to have a bath.
17. (Second conditional) If you weren’t so stubborn, we wouldn’t have so many arguments!
18. (Third conditional) If Julie hadn’t gone to Sweden, she would have gone to Germany.
19. (First conditional) If she goes to the library, she’ll study more.
20. (Third conditional) If we hadn’t had an argument, we wouldn’t have been late.
21. (Second conditional) If you arrived early, it would be less stressful.
22. (Third conditional) If I hadn’t gone to the party, I wouldn’t have met Amanda.
23. (Second conditional) If Julie liked chocolate, I would give her some.
24. (Second conditional) If Luke lived in the UK, I would see him more often.
25. (Third conditional) If the children hadn’t eaten all that chocolate, they wouldn’t have felt sick.
26. (First conditional) If they don’t arrive soon, we’ll be late.
27. (Third conditional) If she had studied Mandarin, she would have gone to Beijing.
28. (Second conditional) If we weren’t so tired, we would go out.
29. (First conditional) If you buy the present, I’ll wrap it up.
30. (First conditional) If Lucy doesn’t quit her job soon, she’ll go crazy.

A business letter – 4 Peer evaluation form

Look at a letter written by another pair. Make some comments on:

Content: How clear is it? Is there anything you found unclear or

Appropriacy of language: Is the language appropriate to this kind of formal
letter? Does it make good use of phrases from Worksheet 2? Is there any
vocabulary that you particularly liked?

Layout/organization: Is the layout appropriate to this kind of letter?
Comment on anything that could be improved.

Language accuracy: Is there language you think is not correct (grammatical
errors, incorrect collocations etc.)?

A business letter - Writing task 3

In pairs, choose one of the following situations.

Situation 1: You are Head of Human Resources at an international cosmetics
company. You have been in touch with an IT Training company about training
for some of your staff. You have now received information about the training
but need to change some of the details. With a partner, think of what kind of
changes you might need to make (for example, the number of people taking
the training course). Now underline the phrases and expressions in your own
letter and on worksheet 2 which you could incorporate into the letter. Write
the letter with your partner.

Situation 2: You are organising a conference for your company’s sales
representatives from all over the country. You have already booked the hotel
where the conference will be held and the sales reps will stay, and have just
received a letter of confirmation. However, you need to make some changes
to the arrangements. With a partner, think of what kind of changes you might
need to make (for example, the number of hotel rooms you need). Now
underline the phrases and expressions in your own letter and on worksheet 2
which you could incorporate into the letter. Write the letter with your partner.

A business letter - Example letter 2

Fine Foods Ltd.
10 Bridge Street
SW10 5TG
Mr. R. Jones
Sales Manager
Thames Software Systems
River Buildings
Stockwell Walk
SW17 5HG
12th September 2006

Dear Mr. Jones,

Stock Control Software System

Thank you for your letter of 1st September and the information you sent
regarding the stock control system offered by your company. I certainly feel
the system will meet our requirements. However, there are some points which
I would like clarified before we go ahead and order the system.

Firstly, although you mentioned that the system has recently been updated, I
wondered whether we might be eligible for a discount on any future upgrades.

Secondly, the installation and implementation period of three weeks, to which
you refer in your letter, seems rather long. Is there any possibility of getting
the system up and running on a shorter timescale?

I would be very grateful for a swift response to these queries, in order that we
can begin the process as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your assistance. I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

J. Brown

Ms J. Brown
Purchasing Manager

A business letter - Example letter 1

Fine Foods Ltd.
10 Bridge Street
SW10 5TG

Hello Mr. Roger Jones:
I got the letter you sent on 1st September, and the stuff about the stock control
system you make. It sounds great for us, but I want to check some things
before we buy it. You said the system is bang up-to-date, but what happens if
you update it again soon? Do we get money off the new one? You said it
takes 3 weeks to install the system – that’s too long! Can’t you do it any
quicker? Hope you can reply soon, we’re in a bit of a hurry.
Janet Brown

Gerund or Infinitive? 1 Sometimes both are possible.

The teacher told us (study) to study for our test.
My doctor wants me to stop (drink) drinking so much coffee.

1. It was nice of you (bring) ....... me flowers.
2. The teacher lied about (give) ...... us a test.
3. I’d like (drink) ........ a root beer soda after class.
4. I’m good at (play) ....... Ping Pong.
5. I can’t afford (take) ........ a vacation this year.
6. I really enjoy (play) ........  the bagpipes.
7. I got caught in the rain while (walk) ...... home.
8. The students promise (do) ...... their homework.
9. I practice (speak) ...... English every day.
10. We plan (travel) .......  to Canada in the spring.
11. I always have a great time (study) ........ English.
12. The boss asked me (come) ....... to his party.
13. Teacher, please! We insist on (have) ....... extra homework.
14. I’m interested in (learn) ........ foreign languages.
15. I spent three hours (ride) ....... the subway yesterday.
16. I refused (cry) ....... at my wedding.
17. I intend (write) ....... a letter this afternoon.
18. Thanks for (come) ....... to my party.
19. I can’t stand (wait) ...... for the bus.
20. I’d like (marry) ...... a Norwegian woman.
21. I dislike (floss) ....... my teeth.
22. I don’t approve of (eat) ...... rhinoceros.
23. My parents warned me (watch out) ......  for crazy teachers.
24. Look at those black clouds! I think it’s likely (rain) ......... this afternoon.
25. I miss (talk) ...... to my friends at home.
26. The bully threatened (punch) .......  my nose.
27. My girlfriend pretends (love) .......  me. Sigh.
28. I’m fond of (listen) .......  to rock and roll music.
29. The teacher told us (go) ..........  home early. Is today April 1st?
30. I’m thinking about (have) .........  plastic surgery.
31. Instead of (study) ........, I went to a disco.
32. It was careless of me (forget) .........  your birthday.
33. Did you have fun (hitchhike) ........  across the U.S.?
34. I’m capable of (sew) ........, but I can’t knit at all.
35. We haven’t decided whether or not (buy) ......... a sheepdog.
36. My sister advised me (see) ........ a doctor.
37. I’m going to stop (eat) junk food next week.
38. I caught my brother (search) ......... through my closet.
39. She was surprised (win) ........ a gold medal.
40. I feel like (eat) .......  rice and beans for dinner.

Asking Present Progressive Questions about the Future

Ask questions about the future and answer with the present progressive form.

Where are you going after school today? I’m going to the market.
1. What are you doing this weekend?
2. What are you giving your boy/girlfriend for Valentine’s Day?
3. Where are you meeting your friends on Saturday? What are you doing?
4. What are you cooking for our romantic dinner tonight?
5. What are you bringing to our class picnic next week?
6. Who are you inviting to your party?
7. What are you wearing to the disco this Saturday?
8. What kind of restaurant are you going to this evening?
9. How are you coming to school tomorrow?
10. Where are you going on your vacation? How are you getting there?
11. How long are you staying in this country? And afterwards?
12. When are you proposing to your fiancé? Where are you doing it?
13. When are you getting your haircut? Where are you getting it done?
13. What are you doing after school? Are you going to the movies?

Present Perfect with Ever questions

Answer the questions.

Have you ever eaten horse?
Yes, I’ve eaten horsemeat. or No, I haven’t eaten horsemeat. or No, I’ve never eaten horsemeat.

1. Have you ever had a pet?
2. Have you ever broken a bone?
3. Have you ever grown vegetables?
4. Have you ever been on an island?
5. Have you ever been really sick?
7. Have you ever killed a chicken?
8. Have you ever fallen asleep in class?
9. Have you ever shaved your head?
10. Have you ever met a famous person?
11. Have you ever asked someone to marry you?
12. Have you ever been on television?
13. Have you ever lied to your teacher?
14. Have you ever acted in a play?
15. Have you ever won a contest?
16. Have you ever had an operation?
17. Have you ever been arrested?

Make questions.

(drink) wine Have you ever drunk wine?

1. (cry) at a movie
2. (wear) a bikini
3. (write) a love letter
4. (ride) a camel
5. (catch) a fish
6. (go) skinny-dipping
7. (have) long hair
8. (get) in a fistfight
9. (bake) bread
10. (have) an operation
11. (eat) snails

12. (be) in a police car or jail

Information Questions 5 - make questions with w-words

Be going to
Write questions with who, what, when, where, why, how, how many, how much, how often,
what kind of, what time.

When are you going to leave?      I’m going to leave in ten minutes.

1. I’m going to eat a cheeseburger.
2. I’m going to talk to my doctor.
3. I’m going to borrow my dad’s car.
4. I’m going to sleep for six hours.
5. I’m going to bring twelve ducks.
6. I’m going to make Jamaican coffee.
7. I’m going to spend $50.
8. I’m going to order the fried clams.
9. He’s going to marry his sweetheart.
10. She’s going to eat five hotdogs.
11. He’s going to sing a romantic song.
12. She’s going to go to Miami.
13. We’re going to eat squid because it’s delicious.
14. We’re going to stay in Fiji for two weeks.
15. The class is going to end in half an hour.
16. We’re going to learn 300 words today.
17. They’re going to stay at the Ritz Hotel.
18. It’s going to arrive at 9:00.
19. He’s going to give an apple to the teacher.
20. We’re going to have lots and lots of homework.

Yes/No Questions 2 - make questions with "you" and answer with "yes" or "no"

Present Simple. First and second person singular. Affirmative or Negative Answers

make questions with "you" and answer with "yes" or "no"

a dog ....... Do you have a dog? yes, I do. / no, I do not. 

1. like cats     ......................................................................................................
2. live in Africa ..................................................................................................
3. listen to music ................................................................................................
4. wear earrings .................................................................................................
5. have a car .......................................................................................................
6. swim ...............................................................................................................
7. smoke cigarettes .............................................................................................
8. like sports .......................................................................................................
9. speak Chinese .................................................................................................
10. understand English .......................................................................................
11. read newspapers ...........................................................................................
12. watch movies ...............................................................................................
13. like to sing  ..................................................................................................
14. like to do homework ...................................................................................
15. want to buy a car .........................................................................................

Object Pronouns- Answer the question with an object pronoun.

Answer the question with an object pronoun.

Do you live with your parents? Yes, I live with them.
Do you argue with your sister? No, I don’t argue with her.
How often do you talk to your father? I talk to him every night.

1. Do you like romantic movies?
2. Do your parents know the teacher?
3. Do her parents know you and Bill?
4. Do your friends know your parents?
5. Do you have your book?
6. Do you help your mother?
7. Do your classmates understand me?
8. Do you understand us?
9. Do you know your classmates?
10. Do you play with your brother?
11. Do you help your grandparents?
12. Do you understand Russian?
13. Do you like snakes?
14. Do you and Bill understand me?
15. Do your friends like Maria?
16. Do you believe in ghosts?
17. Do your friends like you?
18. Do your friends understand you and Oscar?
19. Do you understand this grammar?
20. Do your grandparents visit you?
21. How often do you brush your teeth?
22. What time do you finish this class?
23. When do you visit your grandfather?
24. How often do you call your sister?
25. Where do you buy your groceries?
26. When do you do your homework?

Subject Pronouns - Change the subject noun(s) to subject pronouns.

Change the subject noun(s) to subject pronouns.

My father is tall. He is tall.
My mother is short. She is short.
You and your friend are shy. You are shy.
My uncle is married. He is married.

1. My sister is thirsty. .......................................................................................
2. My grandmother is old. ................................................................................
3. The students are young. ...............................................................................
4. The restaurant is expensive. .........................................................................
5. The dog is angry. ..........................................................................................
6. The cats are fat. ............................................................................................
7. The city is big. ..............................................................................................
8. The girls are pretty. .......................................................................................
9. The sock is clean. ..........................................................................................
10. The socks are dirty. .....................................................................................
11. You and I are happy. ....................................................................................
12. You and your brother are sad. ......................................................................
13. The man is tired. ..........................................................................................
14. The men are rich. .........................................................................................
15. The woman is quiet. .....................................................................................
16. The women are noisy. ..................................................................................
17. You and I are hungry. ...................................................................................

Personal Pronouns - subject and object pronouns

Personal pronouns are used to represent people. They can show
first person (the speaker), second person (the person being
spoken to), or third person (the person being spoken about).

If the pronoun is the subject of the sentence, we say it is a
subject pronoun (sometimes called a nominative pronoun). If the pronoun
is the object of the sentence, we say it is an object pronoun.
Circle the pronoun in each sentence, write if the pronoun is a subject pronoun or if the pronoun is an object pronoun.

1. Mary gave me the letter.
2. You can sit down by the fire.
3. They are going to watch a movie at the new theater.
4. Peter and Cindy can go with us tomorrow.
5. We have been friends for many years.
6. It is inside the pocket of the black backpack.
7. The librarian gave me the library book.
8. Jenny’s mother brought her a sandwich for lunch.
9. She played with the new puppy all day.
10. You went to the party on Saturday night.
11. Sylvia will give you the book next week.
12. Park the bicycles in the rack and leave the keys for us.
13. He called the store, but everyone was on a lunch break.
14. Scott’s dad gave us a ride to the baseball game.
15. I usually study for a few hours the night before a test.
16. Jerry and Mark went to the school play with them on Monday.
17. Send me a copy of the report in the mail.
18. He never said goodbye before going on the month-long trip.
19. We ate dinner at a nice restaurant before returning home.
20. Aunt Marie baked him a delicious chocolate cake.

Book 1 – homework - negative - verb to be

1-          We are students.
2-          John is my friend.
3-          She is a teacher.
4-          I am a student.
5-          My brother is a taxi driver.
6-          You are my brother.
7-          It is a blue car.
8-          They are my sisters.

9-          She is a good person.

1-We are not students.
2-John is not my friend.
3-She is not a teacher.
4-I am not a student.
5-My brother is not a taxi driver.
6-You are not my brother.
7-It is not a blue car.
8-They are not my sisters.
9-She is not a good person.