Wednesday, October 11, 2017

VOCABULARY - Weekend plans - Part 1

REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable

Choose the best one:

1.What are you doing __________?
a)this weekend                        b) on this weekend                     c) in this weekend

2.We always go __________ for the weekend.
a)outside of town                     b) out of town                            c) leave

3.My __________ ( = my wife’s parents) are having a party.
a)brother-in-law                       b) mother-in-law                        c) in-laws

4.I __________ ( = spent time) with my friends.
a)hanged                                   b) hung out                                c) hung low

5.I can’t make it this weekend. I’ve got plans I __________. ( = can’t cancel)
a)can’t get                                 b) can’t go                                 c) can’t get out of

6.We took a long __________. ( = trip by car)
a)road trip                                 b) road journey                          c) road excursion

7.We drove __________ to New Mexico and back.
a)whole distance                       b) all the way to                        c) entire way to

8.Disneyland is a huge __________.
a)amusement                             b) park                                       c) amusement park

9.I really want to see that new movie __________ Ryan Gosling.
a)stars                                       b) with                                        c) at the theater

10.We spent __________ money on popcorn and drinks as we did on the movie tickets.
a)as much                                 b) so much                                  c) quite a bit of

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