Wednesday, October 11, 2017

VOCABULARY - Weekend plans - Part 2

REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable

Choose the best one:

1. Let’s stay in tonight. We can __________ a couple of DVDs.
a) rent                               b) take in                                     c) lease

2. There’s a bit of an emergency at work this weekend. I’m going to have to __________ on Sunday.
a) go in                             b) appear                                     c) show

3. I had so much fun! The birthday party was __________! ( = great)
a) a bomb                          b) best                                         c) a blast

4. This Saturday is my grandmother’s __________ birthday.
a) 70 (seventy)                  b) 70s (seventies)                        c) 70th (seventieth)

5. My friends and I went out __________ on Friday night. We got home at around 5:00 AM.
a) to clubbing                    b) clubbing                                  c) club

6. I like to __________ on weekends. I usually don’t do anything crazy.
a) take it simple                 b) take it easy                              c) relaxation

7. A couple of our friends __________ from Paris, so we hung out with them all weekend.
a) were visitors                  b) were visiting                           c) visiting

8. I borrowed my parents’ car and my girlfriend and I went for a ___________ in the mountains.
a) voyage                           b) drive                                        c) ski

9. I spent the whole weekend at the beach - Swimming, surfing, ___________.
a) sunbathing/tanning        b) suntan                                     c) getting suntanning

10. Weekends just seem to _____________, ( = pass too quickly) don’t they?
a) fly                                   b) fly away                                  c) fly by

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