Friday, October 13, 2017

was / were

A. Complete with was or were.
1. She ____________                       11. Diego _______________
2. Carlos __________                      12.Her hair ______________
3. He and she _______                     13. Mice _________________
4. You and I ________                     14. Horses _______________
5. they ____________                      15. Luis _________________
6. Costa Rica ______                       16. We ___________________
7. A picture ________                      17. Wilson _______________
8. My bike _________                     18. April _________________
9. Many people _____                      19. Jose and We _________
10. Everybody _______                   20. My teacher __________

B. Complete with was – wasn't – were – weren’t.
Andrés ___________ (+) in the bank. My mother
________ (-) working yesterday. Tomas and I
_______ (-) friends. We ___________ (+) in the same
classroom. My country ___________ (-) very
expensive. Merlin and Laura ___________ (+) a
happy couple. Brazil ___________ (+) champion in
2002. I ___________ (-) worried. All my students
___________ (+) at the party with their parents. My
boss _______ (+) very serious. I _______ (-)
confused. My dad ___________ (+) wrong. My car
___________ (-) red. Wives ___________ (+) smart.

C. Unscramble and answer these questions. Add was / were.
1. you / in the last party / who?                                       5. I / why / alone?
a. __________________________________                  a. _________________________________
b. _________________________________                    b. _________________________________
2. you / where / last period?                                             6. / Who / the principal
a. __________________________________                  a. _________________________________
b. __________________________________                  b. _________________________________
3. where / your sister / last winter / ?                               7. / more expensive / which book/ ?
a. __________________________________                  a. _________________________________
b. __________________________________                  b. _________________________________
4. Vanessa / how long/ in costa Rica?                              8. How much / your laptop ?
a. __________________________________                  a. _________________________________
b. __________________________________                  b. _________________________________

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