Wednesday, October 11, 2017

VOCABULARY - University life 2

REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable

Choose the best one:

1. A former student of a school/university = An ___________
a) alderman                         b) alumni                                c) alumnus

2. A ___________ is an exam given during the middle of a semester.
a) middle-term                    b) mid-term                            c) half-term

3. John finally got his ___________ in Economics. ( = he finished his 4 year program)
a) decoration                        b) degree                                c) decree

4. My assignment is ___________ on Thursday. ( = it has to be finished by Thursday)
a) due                                    b) deliverable                        c) down

5. What are you _____________ in? = What's your main subject of study?
a) majoring                           b) engaging                            c) mainlining

6. You'd have to do something pretty bad to get ___________ ( = kicked out) from college.
a) expelled                            b) excelled                              c) demoted

7. Q: Did he ___________ his exam? A: No, he failed.
a) miss                                  b) answer                                 c) pass

8. The opposite of a "required course" is an ___________.
a) election                             b) elective                               c) choice

9. T.A., which stands for "teaching ____________", is someone who helps a professor run a
a) asset                                  b) assistant                             c) analyst

10. What do you plan to do after you ___________? (= successfully finish college)
a) drop out                             b) take a leave of absence      c) graduate

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