Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Getting to know you with question tags

Choose a person from your class that you don’t know very well. Complete the
sentences with information that you think is true, 

e.g. ‘Your name is Juan, isn’t it?’

1. Your name is __________, isn’t it?
2. You are from __________, aren’t you?
3. You have been in this class for __________, haven’t you?
4. You’ve got __________ brothers and sisters, haven’t you?
5. You think English is __________, don’t you?
6. You are interested in __________, aren’t you?
7. Outside the class, you __________, don’t you?
8. In the future, you plan to __________, don’t you?
9. You spent your last holidays in __________, didn’t you?
10. This evening, you are going to __________, aren’t you?

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